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Seller Info Area

Marketplace Services

In this area, you will learn all about our collaborations and our associated range of services.

We currently have four different services to offer you to help you increase your sales and get off to a great start with Kaufland Global Marketplace:

Icon Goods Financing


With the attractive advance financing available through, you will always be in a position to deliver and then increase your sales figures.

Icon Performance Coach

Performance Coach

Your personal Performance Coach can help you discover your individual potential and improve your performance.

Icon Händlerbund

Händlerbund (Seller Association)

The Händlerbund e-commerce network offers legal protection for your store, plus many other services.

Icon Sponsored Product Ads

Sponsored Product Ads

Our performance-based advertising tool will enable you to generate more sales in a targeted way, with full cost control.

Icon VAT


Our partner Hellotax offers an extensive range of professional automated tax solutions for your business.

Icon IT-Recht Kanzlei

IT-Recht Kanzlei

With IT-Recht Kanzlei, you are ensured watertight legal texts – for general terms and conditions, revocation, data protection and more.

Icon Old Appliance Take-Back

Old Appliance Take-Back

Thanks to support from Kaufland Global Marketplace, it’s quick and easy to fulfil your legal obligation to take back old appliances.

Icon take-e-way


take-e-way offers you legally compliant EPR solutions for WEEE items and batteries in 35 countries and supports you in implementation.

Icon Legitas


Legitas creates watertight legal texts for online sales on in the Czech Republic.